Saturday, June 11, 2011

She got out of town....

We've all heard the story before, not to mention listened to Matchbox 20's "Bright Lights," a few times on the radio...and by a few times I mean on repeat in my discman (Rob Thomas be my sensitive, too-old-for-me boyfriend?).

Remember that one time he collabed with Santana and won a Grammy? That was cool. 

A small town girl (queue Journey) leaves for the Big Apple in hopes of becoming successful in some sort of profession all while trying to replicate the life of Carrie Bradshaw (including chain smoking). It seems daunting, yet so many of us do it. Why you might ask? I can't speak for the others but personally, New York represents a city of possibilities, the good and the bad. Every night the ever-changing lights of the Empire State Building tuck me in as a reminder that tomorrow is a blank slate ready for me to doodle all Sharpie of course (that shit be permanent).  

So here I be...just some chick from Ohio putting on her "big girl" pants every morning, taking the subway to work, and coming  fully prepared, with a Sharpie, to doodle all over her day. Oh, and did I mention learning things? As an intern, only living in the city for a short period of time, I want to stuff my brain with as much information I can gather about the music industry and try to figure out where I fit in... if at all. This kind of opportunity doesn't come along often for Mid-western kids like me therefore, this summer isn't just for class's a once in a lifetime chance my parents are bending over backwards to help me fulfill (shout out to Mom and Dad!).

View from my bedroom window

In conclusion, I'll be sad when the Empire State Building says it's final "goodnight" but I'm excited to see who that gal sleeping in the XL Twin Bed is, what kind of doodles she's created, and what she intends to do next.

Stay tuned for updates on my internship, cool shit I find, and other happenings in my life.

Here's to an unforgettable summer,  New York!


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